

インタビューに不慣れな私たちの拙い言葉を紡いでいただき、事業に至る背景や想いなどを丁寧にヒアリングしていただき、記事にまとめていただきました!As we were not used to doing interviews, journalist spun our poor words, carefully interviewed us about the background and thoughts that led to the business, and summarized them in an article! 記事はこちらhttps://www.huffingtonpost.jp/…/syria-empowerment_jp…


毎日新聞社から取材をいただき、3/11夕刊コラムへ掲載をいただきました! We were interviewed by the Mainichi Newspaper (The most famous newspaper in Japan) and it’s published in the evening edition column on 3/11 記事はこちら/click here to read the article                       >>>https://mainichi.jp/articles/20210311/dde/041/070/018000c